Celebrate Healthy Teeth and Gums With Healthy Foods and Drinks

Upcoming holidays are around the corner, and you’re probably already thinking of all the foodie goodness coming your way. November is Good Nutrition Month, so you might want to consider adding healthy options to your meals to maintain good oral and general health and wellbeing. The goal of our dental practice is to help you keep your teeth healthy, strong... read more »

This Holiday Season, Get Your Teeth Whitened for Free with Our Christmas Special!

It's that time of year again where we gather with family and friends to celebrate the season's festivities and attend various social get-togethers, all of which might end up displayed on social media and photos throughout your home. At Louisiana Dental Center, we are a family dentistry and specialty practice, who understand the importance of a healthy-looking smile. We are... read more »

October is National Dental Hygiene Month: Brushing, Flossing and More!

Happy October, everyone! It’s one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance of your daily hygiene efforts. Healthy teeth and gums are... read more »

It’s National Gum Care Month!

September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn’t just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great smile. As new research develops, we see a rise in... read more »

How Do Dental Checkups Impact Your Oral Health?

We learn at a young age that brushing and flossing are vital to keeping your smile healthy. We need to continue these daily habits in our ongoing quest to maintain healthy smiles for strong teeth and gums. Seeing your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups at least twice a year is another habit you should incorporate. Together with our... read more »

A Dental Crown Can Beautifully Restore Your Tooth

If you have recently learned that you have a badly broken, damaged, or infected tooth, our dentist may recommend having a dental crown placed. A crown or tooth-shaped “cap” is a fixed prosthetic cemented onto a tooth to restore its appearance, form and function as well as strengthen the tooth. Dental crowns cover a tooth’s entire surface, and when treatment... read more »